Food Insecurity

2-Part Webinar Series
Household Food Insecurity Webinar Series
Session 1: Navigating Household Food Insecurity in Primary Care: A Nutrition Guideline
November 2023 | Dr. Richard Lewanczuk, Kally Chung & Shawna McGhan
Learning Objectives
Explain why household food insecurity is important to patients, community and clinics
Describe how the AHS Nutrition Guidelines can support your work with patients experiencing food insecurity
Session 2: Strengthening Foundations for Patients Facing Household Food Insecurity: Experience of a Primary Care Clinic
November 2023 | Kally Cheung, Dr. Joseph Ojedokun, Lacey Smoole, Shawna McGhan
Learning Objectives
Recognize the key enablers for clinics as they shift their practice and patient conversations towards addressing food insecurity
Discuss the importance of community connections in helping our patients address household food insecurity
Identify the resources, training and tools available as you work as a team