Human-Centred Design
Home / Our Events / 2024 PLP Summit / Poster Presentations / Human-Centred Design

Human-Centred Design Approaches to Understanding Experiences in Healthcare
Presenting Author(s): Jordan Tate
Development of Resources to Guide Treatment for Diabetes Using Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes
Presenting Author(s): Jordan Tate
The Alberta Back Care Pathway (ABCp) Journey Map
Presenting Author(s): Brandyn Powelske (on behalf of Greg Kawchuk)
ALS-ID: Developing a Roadmap for Early Diagnosis and Rapid Referral of Probable ALS Cases to Specialist Care
Presenting Author(s): Westerly Luth
Co-creating an Adrenal Insufficiency Patient Toolkit Using Human-Centered Design
Presenting Author(s): Laurie Mereu
The Use of a Disease Risk Calculator to Improve the Continuum of Care in Prostate Cancer Screening
Presenting Author(s): Todd McMullen