Electronic Medical Records (EMR)
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Family Medicine
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Family Physicians who participated in EMR 1.0 met to share and discuss data from their EMRs. The topic they chose was diabetes. They were intrigued by the data and shared strategies for managing LDL, BP, and HbA1c. Through their involvement with the project, they were inspired to improve their practice.
Participants in EMR 1.0 had this to say about the project:
"The greatest personal value for me was realizing the potency of being able to directly compare my success in achieving targets for specific groups within my practice with the successes of other individual physicians."
-Dr. Pete Bell
"I now have an appreciation of the importance of standardization of EMR data and the usefulness of the data in terms of improving quality and delivery of medical care to patients."
-Dr. Steve Morys
"I learned about CPCSSN (Canadian Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network) and how they can mine your data."
-Dr. Assad Omar
What others are saying about EMRs
Project Partner
Edmonton PLPl
Email: plp@ualberta.ca
Phone: 780-248-5891