Sepsis in the ED: Emergency Physician Recognition and Treatment
Proper diagnosis and time to administering antibiotic treatment are critical factors determining the outcome of patients admitted to the emergency department. Calgary zone emergency physicians received data on their time from diagnosis of sepsis to the time an appropriate antibiotic therapy was administered.
Emergency Medicine
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What is the project about?
The ‘Sepsis in the Emergency Department’ report provided Calgary ED physicians with information over a three-year period 2011-2013 about their management of patients with severe sepsis and similar data from an aggregate of all Calgary emergency physicians data. This will include:
Time from physician sign-up to initial lactate test ordered (initial lactate orders include those ordered by nursing under the Sepsis Protocol)
Time from physician sign-up to first antibiotics requested
Time from initial lactate result to first antibiotics requested by ED physicians
Individual ED physician’s order set usage profile for antibiotics ordering
Individual ED physician’s blood culture test ordering profile for severe sepsis patients.
Frequently Asked
How Will You Protect My Data?
The report will be generated by the Physician Learning Program (PLP) using Alberta Health Services (AHS) Sunrise Clinical Manager data-sets. Confidentiality is of the utmost importance; this data is strictly for your use and reflection. PLP Data reports on individual participating physicians are never shared with AHS, department heads, regulatory bodies or other stakeholders.